Monday, October 15, 2007

I've been tagged.

I've been tagged!
by the Kim!

Rules are:

Link to your tagger and post the rules
Share 7 facts about yourself - random/weird
Tag 7 people; link to them.
Leave comments on their blogs, so they know they've been tagged.

1. My favorite meal is homemade biscuits and gravy.

2. My birthday is on Halloween.

3. I burp a lot....and really loud.

4. When I get frustrated with something I make a noise like a baby elephant. And whenever my sister and brother in law are around they move a finger to resemble an elephant trunk.

5. I have very curly hair, but straighten it almost everyday.

6. I'm a work-aholic. I haven't taken a day off in over a year and 6 months.

7. I work with all men and I'm sad that we just hired 3 women.....I don't want to deal with women's drama. =[

I am tagging....

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