Tuesday, March 4, 2008

sorry it's been so long...

Alright ladies, I know it's been forever since I blogged and I'm sorry. I will try and keep this thing more updated.

I haven't had much time to scrap with my crazy life right now, but I wanted to take a second and post a couple things I've completed lately.


Here is my first canvas art. I learned many things while doing this....print your photos professionally! or at least on a paper that has some sort of seal to it. When working with canvas, in order to get the items to stick really well, glue is necessary. Next time I will print my photos better so I can modge podge over the entire cavas....pictures and all.


Here's one of my latest layouts......yes believe it or not.....sometimes I actually scrapbook! Fact is, I love to! I just don't have the time or energy to. But, that will all be changing soon. I'm so tired of making these kits I love but never making time to play with them myself!

Ok, that's it for now....hopefully more soon! oh, and sorry for the quality of the photos....I was in a hurry and since it was 10pm....I was out of daylight!


Kim Holmes said...

I love that you are scrapping!

But, you've been tagged!

Check it out here at my blog

Sherry said...

hope you took pictures of the project you finished this weekend so you can put it up on your blog! :)