Monday, October 8, 2007

What a weekend!'s over! It's been quite a weekend. It rained all weekend, which I actually enjoyed. I was able to bundle up which I love doing. =] I was quite productive. Went shopping with coupons to JoAnn's and Michael's that I was really excited to use, but wasn't able too.....stupid coupon rules! But, I bought a couple little things I'm excited about. One in particular...I'll get a picture up as soon as I get the project going.

I think I found somewhere to move! woohoo. I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that everything works out ok!!

Other than that....just working on the business. It's a lot of work, but we're moving in the right directions.

Talk to you all soon. =] 23 days until I turn 23......woo hoo!

1 comment:

Kim Holmes said...

Kim said
I just tagged you!

Check out

Have Fun!